Marketing Opportunities
Marketing Opportunites
Reach the decision-makers in healthcare foodservice through AHF’s marketing and advertising opportunities. Tap into unique industry resources tailored to the only association of its kind.
- AHF Membership is required to advertise. Signup as a member here or while securing your options.
- Sponsors at either the Silver or above level receive 20% off advertising rates for S.O. Connected & S.O. in the Know.
- Or advertise a la carte! Email Leah Reily, Executive Director of AHF, to secure your options.
Magazines & Newsletters
S.O. Connected Magazine

Quarterly printed magazine which serves as the flagship publication of the Association. Distributed to full AHF membership. Also available electronically for added visibility.
Files should be sent by email to as JPEG, PDF, TIFF, or EPS. Images should be SWOP (CMKY or Grayscale). If images have been enlarged in a page layout program, the dpi must be between 300 and 450 at their final, scaled measurement.
Published quarterly. For full-page and two-page spread ads, include 0.125 for bleeds.
Silver or above sponsors receive 20% discount on the below rates.
See the media kit above for pricing.
Self Op Weekly Bites Newsletter

Self-Op Weekly Bites is AHF’s most popular publication. A weekly e-newsletter which goes out weekly on Tuesdays and is free to members and nonmembers to subscribe to. It is presently being distributed to 2,300+ industry professionals and growing. This newsletter compiles industry content into one industry newsletter relevant to foodservice across the non-commercial foodservice segment, focusing on healthcare but could expand across C&U, Restaurants, K-12.
Two week minimum for advertising.
Ads are due at least two weeks in advance of the placement date.
S.O. In The Know Newsletter

S.O. In The Know is AHF’s Monthly E-Newsletter, released to all AHF members at the end of each month. The newsletter provides association updates, news, and highlights to AHF members. There are two different advertising opportunities available in this newsletter – Premium Placement & Standard Placement.
All graphics will be sized at 550 x 180 pixels. Advertisements are due by the 15th of the selected month. Should be sent in GIF or JPG format, less than 15 KB and emailed with company name and URL included.
Silver or above sponsors receive 20% discount. See Media Kit above for pricing.
Business Partner Directory

AHF’s Business Partner Directory is a product and service directory used by AHF Members to find items and partners. The Directory is released two times per year in PDF format, once in the spring and once in conjunction with AHF’s Annual Conference. It is also available in a searchable online format. To be included in the Directory business partners must be an annual sponsor.
To be included in the Spring edition, you must be a Bronze or above sponsor and have completed your sponsorship selections and package payment no later than March 31st.
Files should be sent by email to as JPEG, PDF, TIFF, or EPS. Images should be SWOP (CMKY or Grayscale). If images have been enlarged in a page layout program, the dpi must be between 300 and 450 at their final, scaled measurement.
Must be an annual sponsor to advertise in the Directory. See Media Kit above for pricing.
Other Unique Opportunities
Sponsored Educational Webinar: Host a session outside our virtual conference to provide CEU’s to AHF’s members. Work with the AHF team to secure speakers, create content, and produce the webinar. Obtain a chance to gain some data insights and guide the content and session. Preference given to annual sponsors.
AHF Coffee Talks: AHF‘s exclusive 30-minute Coffee Talks can take many forms. They can be operator led case studies focused on the sponsors products/industry, discussion groups, educational segments, or other recommendation. If product/sponsor focused, must include operator presenters and present problem/solution stories.
Sponsored Chef Demonstration: Provide AHF with a video demonstration of your chef, or an operator chef, preparing a meal with your sponsored ingredients to inspire AHF’s operators. Recipe and video will be placed on AHF recipe index on AHF’s website and promoted in our publications. Recipe will be listed for at least 1 year. Preference given to annual sponsors.
Sponsored Recipe Listing: Add a recipe using your ingredients to AHF’s searchable Recipe Index. Recipe will include photo, ingredients, branding, and be available online for at least 1 year. *Also see Sponsored Chef Demonstration opportunity above.
Operator/Mailing List Rental: Operator membership list which can be used to send a piece of marketing collateral 1 time by email or mail. AHF must approve collateral, and list can only be used once per purchase.
Virtual Focus Group: Host a virtual focus group to dive deeper into products, programs, and services. Or simply display your latest line of offerings to a group of focused operators. The session will be 1 hour and marketed by AHF. Sponsors can select attendees from AHF’s membership list, or provide an open call for participants. AHF recommends sessions of 8-15 operators.